Mustalla taustalla lukee "QUEER HALLOWEEN" violetti-turkoosilla tekstillä. teksi näyttää valuvalta ja se kaartuu molempiin suuntiin







Aiemaa, Rae

Boullenger, Leon

Eronen, Ona

Hartikainen, Ruu

Indrén, Helka

Kaihilahti, Liina

Kinnunen, Elmeri

Kirjavainen, Aliisa

Kissaniitty, Mesi

Korhonen, Eino

Lamminen, Kim

Lehti, Aarne

Linnanrinne, Sofia

Monthan, Matleena

Nurmi, Senja

Puukka, Sarah

Ruuskanen, Veera


The first meeting of the new members will take place at the Ylioppilasteatteri’s Studio on Tuesday, September 24. from 5:30 p.m.


We warmly thank everyone who participated in the exams for their dedication, courage and interest in the Ylioppilasteatteri. The next entrance exams will be held next time in September 2025.


Applicants who didn’t get selected from the third part of the exams have the opportunity to request written feedback from the jury. If you want feedback, please contact the producer no later than Friday 27 September


We also hope that all applicants will respond to the feedback survey of the entrance exams. The survey is anonymous and its answers will be read by the producer of the selection exams as well as the jury and secretaries. Based on the answers, we aim again to develop the next year’s exams:




This year, we have also made an anonymous contact form for the Safer space responsible persons of the exams. In the form, you can anonymously share if you have experienced injustice or any action against the principles of a safer space during the exams by the jury, other applicants or members of the theater. Possible form answers will be read only by the Safer space -team.




Info for the new members


New members of Ylioppilasteatteri commit to the autumn production (for the period September 2024 – February 2025) and the summer theater production of Mustikkamaa (for the period May-August 2025). Both productions will be directed by the artistic directors.

After the exams, a two-week familiarization period is organized for the new members from 23rd of September to 5th of October. The new members commit to the fall production during 7th of October 2024 to 8th of February 2025. The fall production will also be performed once at the Helsinki Student Theatre Festival on Friday 11th of April 2025. The rehearsal and performance season of Mustikkamaa’s summer production takes place in May–August 2025. Rehearsals and performances are held on weekday evenings and weekends 4–5 days a week. During the rehearsal and performance seasons of the productions, working in the Ylioppilasteatteri means approx. 15-25 hours a week.

Because we do not charge a membership fee from our members we use a system of “TYÖPALVELU”, which in its essence means that each of our members volunteer for 2h in the span of 2 months for various general good for the sake of the theater. This can vary from selling tickets to our shows, cleaning the toilets, or even translating this text from Finnish to English. Ylioppilasteatteri offers a wide range of training and the ability to express oneself in the theater.



Ylioppilasteatteri’s address is Aleksanterinkatu 23, Helsinki. Ylioppilasteatteri’s Studio is unfortunately an inaccessible space. There is also no accessible toilet in the space. Of our two entrances, Kaivopiha side has an elevator through which the studio is accessible for example if you’re using a walking stick. Unfortunately, the studio cannot be accessed with most of electric or manual wheelchairs due to narrow corridors and a high threshold leading to the entrance hall of the Studio.


There are two entrances to the Ylioppilasteatteri: an inaccessible main entrance in Kolmen sepän aukio (Three Smiths Square) in Aleksanterinkatu 23 and an entrance on the Kaivopiha side accessible with an assistant at Mannerheimintie 3B (a staircase to the right of Unicafe in the recess).

Inaccessible main entrance in Three Smits (Aleksanterinkatu 23): The guidepost is the Ylioppilasteatteri sign next to the iron gate. There are three floors of stairs to the theatre. For each ascent, there is a handrail on varying sides. On the way up there are two communicating doors with thresholds.

Kaivopiha’s entrance with an elevator (Mannerheimintie 3B): A poster is brought to the entrance outside the door during the exams. A staircase leads to the front door, as well as a ramp about 20 m away. In the stairwell there is an elevator (4th floor) that leads to the theater. The threshold for the interior door of the theater is high.

When signing-up to the exams, please let us know if you are moving to the theater from the Kaivopiha entrance. The Kaivopihan entrance can be reached with an assistant but is not in public use and the interior door may be locked.

Assistance and guide dogs are also welcome at the Ylioppilasteatteri.


The Ylioppilasteatteri does not have its own parking spaces. The nearest accessible parking space is the Q-park Stockmann parking facility. There are 12 accessible parking spaces, 1 on each floor by each elevator (4pcs). Stockmann’s main doors are about 50 metres away from the entrance to the Kaivopiha side of the Ylioppilasteatteri.


The hallways in the theater lobby are narrow and moving to all parts of the lobby, for example with a wheelchair, is unfortunately not possible. The passage from the Kaivopiha door to the theater lobby and from the lobby to the Studio includes two thresholds. Unfortunately, the toilets in the theater are unacessible. The closest accessible WC facilities to the theater can be found on floors 8, 4, –2A of the Stockmann department store at Aleksanterinkatu 52. You can find the floor guide for the department store here. Please check the department store’s opening hours on Stockmann’s website

Ylioppilasteatteri does not have an induction loop. If you are accompanied by a written, descriptive or sign language interpreter, please notify us when signin-up.

If you participate in the exams with an assistant or an interpreter or if you need other special arrangements in the exams, please indicate this in the sign-up form. We strive to make our theater more accessible within the limits that our unacessible space and the resources and know-how of a theater run by volunteers. We also accept feedback regarding our accessibility information.

You can ask our producer about the accessibility of the Ylioppilasteatteri in more detail:

Safer space

In Ylioppilasteatteri, we commit to follow the principles of a safer space. Please, read the principles before attending the exams.

What is bullying?
Bullying includes, for example, nasty and mocking speeches, shouting, threats, pressure, gossip, vilification, isolation, i.e. exclusion from the group, constantly criticizing work and making it difficult for others to work. Not all behavior that causes chagrin is bullying. Bullying does not include, for example, different opinions or views on things.

What is harassment? 
Sexual harassment includes sexually suggestive gestures and language, sexually explicit speech and jokes, remarks or questions about the body, dress or private life, sexually explicit speech, touching, suggestions or demands for sexual activity. Gender-based harassment is derogatory speech about women, men or people of another gender, demeaning another based on gender, bullying when it is based on the sex of the bullied. Everyone has the right to bodily integrity. This means that violence or threats are completely prohibited at the Ylioppilasteatteri.

What is discrimination?
Everyone must be treated equally. Discrimination includes, for example, unequal treatment on the basis of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, family relationships, class background, ability, language, religion or opinions.

How should I act accordingly with the principles stated above? 

Recognize your privileges 
Hierarchies and oppressive norms are part of our society. No human being, however conscious or benevolent, is beyond their reach. However, cultural change is not only possible – it happens every day. Questioning norms takes us towards a more equal society.

Recognize your prejudices 
Be aware that your assumptions about people’s appearance, gender expression, skin color, linguistic or physical characteristics, or class background may influence your behavior towards them. Instead of making assumptions about people’s bodies, personalities, identities, backgrounds, or ”where they come from,” let everyone be themselves. Everyone has the right to define their own identity, including gender and sexual identity. Use only terms that people accept themselves: asking questions is the only way to find out.

No means no 
Respect everyone’s boundaries – both physical and psychological. Once again, asking is the only way to know what the other person’s boundaries are. Always get verbal or otherwise absolutely certain consent before touching someone.

Take responsibility 
Remember that bad behavior can never be explained by intoxication. Remember that things that are enjoyable and comfortable for you can cause some others discomfort or anxiety. If someone feels that they have been hurt, they have the right to feel and express it without, that their experience is questioned or their way of reacting is criticized. The ability to draw one’s own boundaries and the ability to accept the demarcations of others is a security issue. In these situations, there is no reason to be defensive, because drawing boundaries is not a criticism or attack on your personality.

Let’s respect everyone’s opportunity for change and discuss constructively. Judging a person’s characteristics or backgrounds is not a good way to deal with oppressive behavior. Instead, make it clear which actions are undesirable. Let’s see diversity as positive and not tolerate discrimination or racism of any kind at all! Let’s make the Ylioppilasteatteri a place where these things can be talked about! Let’s make sure that it is easy to ask for help and rely on others at the Ylioppilasteatteri!